Modifying Source Code for Published Add-in

Add-ins published on the RootPro CAD website contain source codes. Modifying a source code can modify an add-in operation.

Downloading source code for published add-in

  1. Download an add-in file (with the extension of .zip) from the RootPro CAD website
    Downloading Add-in
  2. Unzip the downloaded file (.zip), copy it to a folder of your choice (project folder).
    • If the extracted folder has a [Visual Studio 20XX] (XX: version) folder, copy the folder of the version of Visual Studio you want to use, or if it does not exist, copy the folder under Projects of the most recent version (the year of the version is newer) folder to the project folder. For example, if there are "Visual Studio 2015" and "Visual Studio 2017" folders, copy the folders under Visual Studio 2017\Projects to the project folder.
    • If the unzipped folder contains only the folder with the add-in name instead of the [Visual Studio 20XX] folder, copy the folder under Projects to the project folder.
    • If a folder with the same name already exists, overwrite it.

Modifying source code in Visual Studio

  1. Start up RootPro CAD Professional, and click [Add-ins] - [Launch Visual Studio] menus.
    Visual Studio will start up. When Visual Studio is not installed, Visual Studio website by Microsoft will be displayed where "Visual Studio Community 2019" is published for free. Download and install it.
  2. Click [File] - [Open] - [Project/Solution...] menus, or [File] - [Open project] menus in Visual Studio.
    [Open Project] dialog box will be displayed.
  3. Select the solution file (extension .sln) in the folder with the add-in name that you copied to the project folder, and click [Open].
  4. Edit the source code as necessary.

Executing a build to check that the add-in operates correctly

  1. Click [Build] - [Build Solution] menus.
    The project's build will be executed to generate an add-in file (with the extension of .dll).
  2. When an error is displayed on Output Window or Error List Window, there is a mistake in code descriptions. Review codes, and execute the build again.
  3. If the build succeeds, click [Debug] - [Start Debugging].
    RootPro CAD will start up.
  4. Click [Add-in Manager] on [Add-ins] menu in RootPro CAD.
    [Add-in/Script Manager] dialog box will be displayed.
  5. Select [Add-in] - [Installed] in the menu on the left, Click [Enable] of the add-in to be builded in the add-in list.
  6. Click [Close].
    The created add-in will be imported to RootPro CAD.
  7. Check that the add-in works correctly.
Add-ins are only used in RootPro CAD Professional. RootPro CAD Free cannot use these functions.

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