Copying Snapshot Image of Drawing to Clipboard

In RootPro CAD Professional, you can specify any rectangle on the drawing, and copy a bitmap image of the specified rectangle to the Windows Clipboard.

  1. Click [Snapshot] on [Tools] menu.
    Then you will be able to specify a rectangle for a snapshot image.

When copying at the screen display size

  1. In the [Sizing mode] box of the command window, select [Specified on screen].
  2. Click the start point of a rectangle on the drawing.
  3. Click the end point of the rectangle on the drawing.
    A bitmap image of the specified rectangle is copied to the Windows clipboard with the display size of the second point of the rectangle.
  1. In the [Sizing mode] box of the command window, select [Pixels].
  2. Enter a number between 100 and 8000 in the [Pixels on Long Side] box.
  3. Click the start point of a rectangle on the drawing.
  4. Click the end point of the rectangle on the drawing.
    A bitmap image is created such that the size of the long side of the specified rectangle is the number of pixels entered, and is copied to the Windows clipboard.
You can specify the area start point and area end point by inputting X and Y coordinates in [Area Start Point] and [Area End Point] boxes on Command Window.
The background color of paper/part drawing when executing the Snapshot command will be used as the background color of a bitmap image.