Scaling Shape

Scale a specified shape.
The following 2 methods can be used to specify a scale.

  1. Click [Scale] on [Edit] menu.
    Then you will be able to scale a shape.
  2. Supplemental
    You can enter into the shape scaling status by clicking on [Edit] toolbar.
  3. Select a shape to scale.
  4. Click the base point for scaling on the drawing.
    The specified base point will be used as the base point for scaling a shape.

When specifying scale along X and Y axes in numeric values

  1. Switch the parameter on Command Window to [Scale], and input the scale ratios along X and Y axes.
    The selected shape will be scaled at the specified ratios.

When specifying ratio of lengths between base point and specified two points

  1. Switch the parameter on Command Window to [Scale Base Point], and click the scale base point on the drawing.
  2. Click a point to decide scale on the drawing.
    The selected shape will be scaled with the ratio of lengths of the line connecting the base point and scale base point, and that connecting the base point and the point to decide scale.
You can specify the base point, scale base point, and point to decide scale by inputting X and Y coordinates in [Base Point], [Scale Base Point], and [Point to decide scale] boxes on Command Window.

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