Creating Perpendicular Line on Selected Shape

Select a shape located on the drawing to create a perpendicular line based on the shape.
Shapes that can be used as a base are lines, polylines, infinite lines, rays, circles, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs and B-Splines.
The following 3 methods can be used to create a perpendicular line.

To display a command parameter to be executed, click / of command parameters, or press Tab key or / key on the keyboard.

  1. Point [Line] on [Shape] menu, and click [Perpendicular Line].
    Then you will be able to create a perpendicular line.
  2. Supplemental
    You can enter into the perpendicular line creating status by clicking on [Shape] tool bar.
  3. Click a shape to be used as a base.

When coordinates for the perpendicular line intersect point are fixed

  1. Click the foot point of a perpendicular line on the drawing.
  2. Click the end point of the perpendicular line on the drawing.
    A line to connect the foot of the perpendicular line and end point will be created.

When the coordinates of the end point are fixed

  1. Switch the parameter on Command Window to [End Point] box, and click the end point of a perpendicular line on the drawing.
    A perpendicular line is created connecting the selected shape and the end point.

For specifying the length of the perpendicular line

  1. Click the foot point of a perpendicular line on the drawing.
  2. Switch the parameter on Command Window to [Length] box, and enter the length of the perpendicular line.
  3. Click on the point in the drawing that determines the direction of the perpendicular line.
    A perpendicular line is created from the foot of the perpendicular line at the length and direction specified.
You can specify the Foot point of Perpendicular line, end point and direction point by inputting X and Y coordinates in [Foot point of Perpendicular], [End Point] and [Direction Point] boxes on Command Window.

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