Creating Hatch

A hatch is a pattern filling inside a closed shape area with a parallel or diagonal lines.
Shapes selectable as hatch areas are lines, polylines, circles, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs and B-Splines.
The following 3 methods can be used to create a hatch.

To display a command parameter to be executed, click / of command parameters, or press Tab key or / key on the keyboard.

  1. Point [Hatch] on [Shape] menu, and click [Hatch].
    Then you will be able to create a hatch.
  2. Supplemental
    You can enter into the hatch creating status by clicking on [Shape] toolbar.
  3. When setting [Hatch Style] to [User Definition], input a scale along X and Y axes in [Scale] box on Command Window.
  4. Supplemental
    When setting [Hatch Style] to [Fill] or [Gradient] or [Pattern], you cannot specify a scale.
  5. When setting [Hatch Style] to [Gradient] or [User Definition], input the rotation angle in [Angle] box on Command Window.
  6. Supplemental
    When setting [Hatch Style] to [Fill] or [Pattern]. you cannot specify an angle.

When specifying inner point

  1. Switch the parameter on Command Window to [Inner Point] box, click a point inside an area where a hatch is to be created.
    A hatch will be created within a minimum closed area surrounding the clicked point.
  2. Supplemental
    When no hatch area is found, an error message of "Hatching area not found" will be displayed.
    In the [Drawing Settings] dialog box, increasing the [Area search tolerance] makes it easier to find the hatched area.
    You can specify the inner point by inputting X and Y coordinates in [Inner Point] box on Command Window.

When specifying the external area

  1. Switch the parameter on Command Window to [External Area] box, and click shapes to be used as the external area for a hatch in order.
    An external area will be created with selected shapes.
    The number of shapes selected will be displayed in [External Area] box.
  2. Press Enter key on the keyboard, or click on the toolbar on Command Window.
    A balloon will be created within the area surrounded by specified shapes.
  3. Supplemental
    When no hatch area is found, an error message of " Hatching area not found" will be displayed.
    When specifying an external area, click adjacent shapes in order. Clicking a far shape disables specifying an external area.
    In the [Drawing Settings] dialog box, increasing the [Area search tolerance] makes it easier to find the hatched area.

When specifying sequence of points

  1. Switch the parameter on Command Window to [Polygonal vertices] box, and click 3 or more point arrays to be used as the external area for a hatch in order.
  2. Supplemental
    When specifying polygonal vertices, an self-intersected polyline cannot be specified.
    You can specify a point array by inputting X and Y coordinates in [Polygonal vertices] box on Command Window.
    To input a relative position from the coordinate values last input as a point array, input coordinate values using [@X coordinate , (comma) Y coordinate] format in [Polygonal vertices] box on Command Window.
    To delete the last input point array, click on Command Window.
  3. Press Enter key on the keyboard, or click on the toolbar on Command Window.
    Specifying point arrays will be complete, and a hatch will be created.

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