Creating Arc Passing 3 Points

Specify 3 through points to create an arc passing these points.

  1. Point [Arc] on [Shape] menu, and click [3-Point Arc].
    Then you will be able to create a 3-point arc.
  2. Supplemental
    You can enter into the 3-point arc creating status by clicking on [Shape] toolbar.
  3. Click the first through point of a 3-point arc on the drawing.
  4. Click the second through point of a 3-point arc on the drawing.
  5. Click the third through point of a 3-point arc on the drawing.
    A 3-point arc passing these through points will be created.
You can specify the through points by inputting X and Y coordinates in [Through Point 1], [Through Point 2] and [Through Point 3] boxes on Command Window.

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