Importing Jw_cad Shape File (JWS/JWK) as Drawing Component

  1. Click [Import JWS File] or [Import JWK File] on [File] menu.
    [Import JWS File] or [Import JWK File] dialog box will be displayed.
  2. Select a Jw_cad shape file, and click [Open] button.
    When selecting multiple files, click them while pressing Ctrl or Shift key on the keyboard.
    If [Import JWS File] is selected, clicking [Open] button adds a selected Jw_cad shape file as a drawing component in RootPro CAD.
  3. If [Import JWK File] is selected, [Drawing Component Import Settings (JWK Shape File)] dialog box will be displayed.

  4. Make necessary settings, and click [OK] button (when [Import JWK File] is selected)
    A selected Jw_cad shape file will be added as a drawing component in RootPro CAD.
  5. Other restrictions
    The system can read a JWS file of version 2.23 or after.
    For JWS files, all shape layers become current layers for the shape opened in RootPro CAD.
    Colors and line types are set according to drawings, but SXF expanded line types are converted to continuous lines.

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