Offset means to copy a selected shape in parallel direction.
Shapes that can be offset are lines, polylines, infinite lines, rays, circles, arcs, ellipses, elliptical arcs, and B-Splines.
The following 2 methods can be used to offset a shape.
- Specifying "value to offset" and "direction point".
- Specifying a "through point" for offset.
To display a command parameter to be executed, click
of command parameters, or press Tab key or ← / → key on the keyboard.
- Click [Offset] on [Edit] menu.
Then you will be able to offset a shape.
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You can enter into the shape offsetting status by clicking on [Edit] toolbar. |
When specifying one shape
- Select a shape to offset in [Shape] box on Command Window.
When specifying multiple shapes
- Select shapes having a common endpoint in order in [Shapes] box on Command Window.
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When selecting an area, only shapes having a common endpoint will be selected. |
When specifying value to offset and direction point
- Input an offset amount in [Offset] box on Command Window.
When specifying through point
- Click a through point for offsetting on the drawing.
The shape will be offset to the parallel position passing through the specified through point.
- Input the number of times of offset in [Count] box on Command Window.
- Specify the offset direction in [Offset Direction] box on Command Window.
One Side
The shape will be offset to the one side of the original shape. When specifying the offset amount, the shape will be offset in the direction specified by the direction point.
Both Sides
The shape will be offset to the both sides of t the original shape.
- When specifying the offset amount and one side, click the direction to which the shape is to be offset on the drawing.
The shape will be offset to the specified direction.
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You can specify the direction point and through point by inputting X and Y coordinates in [Direction Point] and [Through Point] boxes on Command Window. |
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Offsetting an ellipse or ellipse arc may convert it to a B-spline curve. |