RootPro.RootProCAD Namespace |
Class | Description | |
AddInManager |
Represents an object that manages add-ins and scripts.
| |
AngularDimensionShape |
Indicates angular dimensions.
| |
Application |
Represents an application of RootPro CAD.
| |
ApplicationEntryPoint |
Represents an application of RootPro CAD.
| |
ApplicationEventArgs |
ApplicationInitialized Provides event data.
| |
ApplicationSettings |
Represents option settings for RootPro CAD.
| |
ApplicationSettingsEventArgs |
ApplicationSettingsChanged Provides event data.
| |
ArcDimensionShape |
Represents the circular arc dimension.
| |
ArcShape |
Represents an arc.
| |
AttributeFilterDictionary |
Represents a attribute filter dictionary.
| |
BalloonSettings |
Indicates balloon setting.
| |
BalloonShape |
Represents a balloon.
| |
BasicShape |
Represents a general figure.
| |
BasicShapeSettings |
Indicates the setting of general figure.
| |
BSplineCurveShape |
Represents a B spline.
| |
CircleShape |
Represents a circle.
| |
ColorFilterDictionary |
Represents a color filter dictionary.
| |
ColorItem |
Represents one color.
| |
ColorItemCollection |
This class represents a collection of colors.
| |
ColorItemEventArgs |
Provides data for ColorItem event.
| |
ColorsChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for ColorsChanged event of Document.
| |
CurrentDrawingChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the CurrentDrawingChanged event.
| |
CurrentLayerChangedEventArgs |
CurrentLayerChanged Provides data for the event.
| |
CustomHatch |
User defined hatch class
| |
CustomHatchCollection |
User-defined hatch collection class
| |
CustomHatchDeletingEventArgs |
Provides data for the CustomHatchDeleting event.
| |
CustomHatchEventArgs |
Provides data for the CustomHatch event.
| |
CustomPropertyCollection |
Represents a collection of user-defined properties of a file.
| |
DiameterDimensionShape |
Represents the diameter dimension.
| |
DimensionSettings |
Indicates the dimension setting.
| |
DimensionShape |
Represents the base class of dimensions.
| |
Document |
RootPro Represents one drawing file open in CAD.
| |
DocumentBeforeSaveEventArgs |
BeforeSave Provides data for the event.
| |
DocumentCollection |
RootPro Represents a collection of drawings open in CAD.
| |
DocumentEventArgs |
Provide data for Document event.
| |
DocumentPrintEventArgs |
Provides data of the print event of Document.
| |
DrawComponentShape |
Represents a drawing component.
| |
DrawGroupShape |
Represents a drawing group.
| |
DrawGroupShapeItemCollection |
Represents a collection of shapes in the drawing group.
| |
Drawing |
Represents paper or partial drawing.
| |
DrawingChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the DrawingChanged event.
| |
DrawingCollection |
Represents a collection of partial drawings.
| |
DrawingDeletingEventArgs |
Provides data for the DrawingDeleting event of Document.
| |
DrawingEventArgs |
Drawing Provides event data.
| |
DrawingFilterDictionary |
Represents a drawing filter dictionary.
| |
DrawingOrderChangedEventArgs |
Provide data for the DrawingOrderChanged event.
| |
DxfLoadConverterSettings |
DXF / DWG file reading setting.
| |
DxfSaveConverterSettings |
DXF / DWG file export setting.
| |
EditingMasterDrawComponent |
Represents the drawing part definition being edited.
| |
EllipseArcShape |
Represents an elliptical arc.
| |
EllipseShape |
Represents an ellipse.
| |
GridSettings | ||
HalfInfiniteLineShape |
Represents a semi-infinite line.
| |
HatchInnerRegionShapeCollection |
Represents a collection of outlined area graphics in hatching.
| |
HatchSettings |
Indicates hatching setting.
| |
HatchShape |
Represents hatching.
| |
ImageShape |
Represents an image.
| |
InfiniteLineShape |
Represents an infinite line.
| |
JwLoadConverterSettings |
Jw Indicates file read setting.
| |
JwSaveConverterSettings |
Jw Represents the file export setting.
| |
Layer |
Represents a layer or layer group.
| |
LayerChangedEventArgs |
Provide data for the LayerChanged event.
| |
LayerCollection |
Represents a collection of layers.
| |
LayerDeletingEventArgs |
Provide data for the LayerDeleting event.
| |
LayerEventArgs |
Provide data for Layer event.
| |
LayerFilterDictionary |
Represents a layer filter dictionary.
| |
LayerOrderChangedEventArgs |
Provide data for the LayerOrderChanged event.
| |
LayerTable |
Represents all layers in the document.
| |
Layout |
Represents a layout.
| |
LayoutChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the LayoutChanged event of Document.
| |
LayoutCollection |
Represents a collection of layouts.
| |
LayoutDeletingEventArgs |
Provides data for the LayoutDeleting event of Document.
| |
LayoutEventArgs |
Provide data for the Layout event.
| |
LayoutOrderChangedEventArgs |
Provide data for the LayoutOrderChanged event.
| |
LayoutShape |
Represents the layout range on the paper.
| |
LeadSettings |
Indicates setting of leader line.
| |
LeadShape |
Represents a leader line.
| |
LinearDimensionShape |
Represents the length dimension.
| |
LineShape |
It represents the line.
| |
LinetypeFilterDictionary |
Represents a line type filter dictionary.
| |
LinetypeItem |
Represents one line type.
| |
LinetypeItemCollection |
It is a collection of line types.
| |
LinetypeItemDeletingEventArgs |
Provides data for the Document's LinetypeItemDeleting event.
| |
LinetypeItemEventArgs |
LinetypeItem Provides event data.
| |
LinetypesChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the LinetypesChanged event of Document.
| |
LinewidthFilterDictionary |
Represents a line width filter dictionary.
| |
LinewidthItem |
Represents one line width.
| |
LinewidthItemCollection |
This is a collection of line widths.
| |
LinewidthItemEventArgs |
LinewidthItem Provides event data.
| |
LinewidthsChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the LinewidthsChanged event of Document.
| |
MasterDrawComponent |
Represents a drawing component definition.
| |
MasterDrawComponentCollection |
Represents a collection of drawing component definitions.
| |
MasterDrawComponentDeletingEventArgs |
MasterDrawComponentDeleting Provides data for the event.
| |
MasterDrawComponentEventArgs |
Provides data for the MasterDrawComponent event.
| |
MasterDrawComponentShapeItemCollection |
Represents a collection of shapes in the drawing component definition.
| |
OleObjectShape |
Represents an OLE object.
| |
Paper |
Represents paper.
| |
ParallelDimensionShape |
Represents parallel dimension.
| |
Part |
Represents a partial drawing.
| |
PdfSaveConverterSettings |
Represents the PDF file export setting.
| |
PointMarkerSettings |
Indicates the point mark setting.
| |
PointMarkerShape |
Represents a point mark.
| |
PolylineShape |
Represents a continuous line.
| |
PrintSettings |
Represents the print setting of the drawing.
| |
PrintSettingsEventArgs |
PrintSettingsChanged Provides event data.
| |
RadiusDimensionShape |
Represents the radial dimension.
| |
RegionShape |
Represents a region.
| |
RegionShapeItemCollection |
Represents a collection of shapes in the region.
| |
SelectedShapeCollection |
Represents a collection of selected objects.
| |
SelectionChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the SelectionChanged event.
| |
SelectionFilter |
Represents an object that manages selection filter.
| |
SelectionGroup |
Represents a single selected shape group.
| |
SelectionGroupCollection |
Represents a collection of selected geometry groups.
| |
SelectionManager |
Represents an object that manages selected shapes.
| |
Shape |
Represents a figure.
| |
ShapeAttribute |
This is a class that represents the attributes of a figure.
| |
ShapeAttributeCollection |
This class represents an attribute collection of shapes.
| |
ShapeChangedEventArgs |
Provides data for the ShapeChanged event.
| |
ShapeCollection |
Represents a graphics collection.
| |
ShapeEventArgs |
Provides data for the Shape event.
| |
ShapeFactory |
Represents a method that creates an instance of each shape class.
| |
ShapeGroupedEventArgs |
Provides data for the ShapeGrouped event.
| |
ShapePrintingEventArgs |
Provides ShapePrinting event data.
| |
ShapeSettings |
Represents the figure setting.
| |
ShapeSettingsEventArgs |
ShapeSettings Provides event data.
| |
ShapeSettingsStyle |
Represents the style of shape setting.
| |
ShapeSettingsStyleCollection |
Represents a style collection of shape settings.
| |
ShapeSettingsStyleDeletingEventArgs |
ShapeSettingsStyleDeleting Provides data for the event.
| |
ShapeSettingsStyleEventArgs |
ShapeSettingsStyle Provides data for the event.
| |
ShapeUngroupedEventArgs |
Provides data for the ShapeUngrouped event.
| |
SummaryInfo |
Represents the properties of a file.
| |
SummaryInfoEventArgs |
SummaryInfoChanged Provides event data.
| |
SxfLoadConverterSettings |
Indicates SXF file reading setting.
| |
SxfSaveConverterSettings |
Represents the export setting of SXF file.
| |
TextSettings |
Represents character setting.
| |
TextShape |
| |
ToleranceShape |
It represents geometric tolerance.
| |
UndoManager |
Represents an object that manages UNDO / REDO.
Structure | Description | |
CustomProperty |
Represents a user-defined property of a file.
| |
SelectedShape |
Represents one selected shape.
Interface | Description | |
IEntryPoint |
Delegate | Description | |
ApplicationEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of Application.
| |
ApplicationSettingsEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of ApplicationSettings.
| |
ColorItemEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of ColorItem.
| |
ColorsChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles ColorsChanged event in Document.
| |
CurrentDrawingChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the Document's CurrentDrawingChanged event.
| |
CurrentLayerChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the LayerTable's CurrentLayerChanged event.
| |
CustomHatchDeletingEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles the CustomHatchDeleting event.
| |
CustomHatchEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of CustomHatch.
| |
DocumentBeforeSaveEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles BeforeSave event of Document.
| |
DocumentEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles the Document event.
| |
DocumentPrintEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles the printing event of Document.
| |
DrawingChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the DrawingChanged event of Document.
| |
DrawingDeletingEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles the DrawingDeleting event of Document.
| |
DrawingEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles event of drawing.
| |
DrawingOrderChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the DrawingOrderChanged event of Document.
| |
LayerChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles LayerTable's LayerChanged event.
| |
LayerDeletingEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles LayerTable's LayerDeleting event.
| |
LayerEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles Layer events.
| |
LayerOrderChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles LayerTable's LayerOrderChanged event.
| |
LayoutChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the LayoutChanged event of Document.
| |
LayoutDeletingEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the LayoutDeleting event of Document.
| |
LayoutEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of Layout.
| |
LayoutOrderChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the LayoutOrderChanged event of Document.
| |
LinetypeItemDeletingEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles the LinetypeItemDeleting event of Document.
| |
LinetypeItemEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of LinetypeItem.
| |
LinetypesChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the LinetypesChanged event of Document.
| |
LinewidthItemEventHandler |
Represents a method for handling events of LinewidthItem.
| |
LinewidthsChangedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the LinewidthsChanged event of Document.
| |
MasterDrawComponentDeletingEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles the MasterDrawComponentDeleting event.
| |
MasterDrawComponentEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of MasterDrawComponent.
| |
PrintSettingsEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of PrintSettings.
| |
SelectionChangedEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles SelectionChanged event of SelectionManager.
| |
ShapeEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of Shape.
| |
ShapeGroupedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles ShapeGrouped event.
| |
ShapePrintingEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the ShapePrinting event of Document.
| |
ShapeSettingsEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of ShapeSettings.
| |
ShapeSettingsStyleDeletingEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles the ShapeSettingsStyleDeleting event of Document.
| |
ShapeSettingsStyleEventHandler |
Represents the method that handles events of ShapeSettingsStyle.
| |
ShapeUngroupedEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles ShapeUngrouped event.
| |
SummaryInfoEventHandler |
Represents a method that handles events of SummaryInfo.
Enumeration | Description | |
Alignment |
placement reference position type
| |
AngleUnitFormatType |
Angular numerical expression type
| |
AngularSnapMode |
Mode of angle snapping
| |
ArcDimensionProjectionLineRadialMode |
radial mode of auxiliary line of arc dimension
| |
ArcSymbolPositionType |
arc length long symbol arrangement type
| |
ArrowType |
Arrow type
| |
BalloonTextAngleType |
Balloon character placement angle type
| |
BalloonType |
Balloon type
| |
DimensionArrowPosition |
Dimension arrow position
| |
DimensionSeparateTextType |
3D value delimiter character type
| |
DimensionTextHorizontalPosition |
dimension value horizontal position type
| |
DimensionTextPositionAngleType |
Dimension Value Arrangement Angle Type
| |
DimensionTextPositionFreeMode |
dimension value free arrangement mode
| |
DimensionTextStepType |
Additional String Stage Type
| |
DimensionTextVerticalPosition |
Dimension Value Vertical Position Type
| |
DimensionToleranceType |
Tolerance display type
| |
DrawingConvertMode |
How to convert paper and partial drawings when exporting to DXF / DWG file
| |
DrawOrderMode |
Represents the shape display order mode.
| |
DxfFileVersion |
Data format of DXF / DWG file
| |
FileFormat |
Represents the file format of the drawing file.
| |
GestureMode |
Mode of mouse gesture
| |
GradientType |
Gradient type
| |
GridSnapMode |
mode of grid snap
| |
GridType |
Represents the display type of the grid.
| |
HatchPatternType |
pattern type
| |
HatchType |
hatching type
| |
ImageFileFormat |
Image file format
| |
LayoutOriginMode |
Reference of layout origin of partial drawing layout when reading DXF / DWG file
| |
LeadTextAngleType |
Leader character placement angle type
| |
LeadTextVerticalPosition |
Vertical position type
| |
LengthUnitFormatType |
Length Numeric notation type
| |
LineCapMode |
Indicates the line end display mode.
| |
LineDisplayMode |
Indicates the line display mode.
| |
LineJoinMode |
Indicates the display mode of the corner of the line.
| |
LinetypeScalingMode |
Represents the scale mode of line pitch length.
| |
NotSettledArrowPositionMode |
Processing mode when dimension values and arrows do not fit on dimension line (inside)
| |
NudgeMode |
Movement mode when moving selection figure with arrow key
| |
OffsetMode |
Represents the offset mode of printing.
| |
PaperTabViewMode |
Current part drawing when switching to paper tab
| |
PaperType |
Indicates the type of paper size.
| |
PdfDrawingConvertMode |
Conversion mode of paper or partial figure when converting to PDF
| |
PdfPermissionFlags |
Operation permission (print, edit, copy) mode.
This enumeration can be specified by combining multiple values.
| |
PointedArrowSizePosition |
Position type indicated by the size of the pointed arrow
| |
PointMarkerType |
point mark type
| |
PrintOrientation |
Indicates the print orientation.
| |
PrintRange |
Represents the printing range.
| |
PrintScaleMode |
It represents the mode of enlargement / reduction of printing.
| |
ProjectionLineMode |
How to specify the dimension extension line length
| |
SelectionCombineMode |
Mode when selecting shapes
| |
SelectionTypes |
How to select shapes.
This enumeration can be specified by combining multiple values.
| |
ShapeSnapTypes |
figure snap type
This enumeration can be specified by combining multiple values.
| |
ShapeState |
Represents the state of a layer or subdiagram.
| |
ShapeTypeFilters |
selectable figure type.
This enumeration can be specified by combining multiple values.
| |
SxfFileVersion |
Data format of SXF file
| |
TextHeightAdjustMode |
Character height adjustment mode when converting DXF / DWG files
| |
TextHorizontalArrangeType |
character string horizontal arrangement type
| |
TextVerticalArrangeType |
String vertical placement type
| |
WindowSelectionMode |
mode indicating a figure recognition method