Application Class |
Namespace: RootPro.RootProCAD
The Application type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Application | Initializes a new instance of the Application class |
Name | Description | |
ActiveDocument |
Get the active drawing.
| |
ActiveDrawingView |
Get the active paper or part view .
| |
ActiveTabView |
Get the active tab view.
| |
ActiveWindow |
Get the active window.
| |
AddInManager |
Get the object that manages add-ins and scripts.
| |
CommandBar |
Get the command window.
| |
CommandManager |
Get the object that manages the command.
| |
DockingBars |
Get a collection of docking windows.
| |
Documents |
Get the collection of documents.
| |
DrawComponentBar |
Get the drawing component window.
| |
DrawingBar |
Get the drawing tree window.
| |
DxfLoadConverterSettings |
Get the DXF/DWG import setting.
| |
DxfSaveConverterSettings |
Get the DXF/DWG export setting.
| |
FullScreen |
Get or set a value that represents the full screen display status of the frame.
| |
Geometry |
Get the object that manages the geometry calculation.
| |
JwLoadConverterSettings |
Get the Jw import settings.
| |
JwSaveConverterSettings |
Get the Jw export settings.
| |
LayerBar |
Get the layer tree window.
| |
NumericTextConverter |
Get the object to convert numeric value and character string.
| |
PdfSaveConverterSettings |
Get the PDF export settings.
| |
ProductVersion |
Get version number of RootPro CAD.
| |
PropertiesBar |
Get the properties window.
| |
ScriptBar |
Get the script window.
| |
SearchBar |
Get the search and replace window.
| |
Settings |
Get the option setting.
| |
ShapeChamfer |
Get the object that executes the chamfering of the shape.
| |
ShapeFactory |
Get an instance of the ShapeFactory class that generates geometry.
| |
ShapeFillet |
Get the object that executes filleting of the shape.
| |
ShowDxfConverterSettingsDialog |
Get or set whether to display the setting dialog box when executing DXF/DWG conversion.
| |
ShowJwConverterSettingsDialog |
Get or set whether to display the setting dialog box when executing Jw conversion.
| |
ShowPdfConverterSettingsDialog |
Get or set whether to display the setting dialog box when executing PDF conversion.
| |
ShowSxfConverterSettingsDialog |
Get or set whether to display the setting dialog box when executing SXF conversion.
| |
StatusBar |
Get the status bar.
| |
SxfLoadConverterSettings |
Get the SXF import settings.
| |
SxfSaveConverterSettings |
Get the SXF export setting.
| |
ToolBars |
Get the collection of toolbars.
| |
ViewControllerBar |
Get the view controller window.
| |
ViewerMode |
Get or set the value that represents the viewer mode in full screen mode.
| |
WindowHandle |
Get the window handle of RootPro CAD.
| |
Windows |
Get the collection of windows.
Name | Description | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
OnApplicationInitialized |
Raise the ApplicationInitialized event.
| |
OnApplicationQuit |
Raise the ApplicationQuit event.
| |
OnApplicationSettingsChanged |
Raise the ApplicationSettingsChanged event.
| |
OnColorItemChanged |
Raise the ColorItemChanged event.
| |
OnColorsChanged |
Raise the ColorsChanged event.
| |
OnCommandBegin |
Raise a Begin event.
| |
OnCommandDraw |
Raise CommandDraw event.
| |
OnCommandEnd |
Generate an event.
| |
OnCommandInitialized |
Raise the CommandInitialized event.
| |
OnCommandMouseMove |
Raise MouseMove event.
| |
OnCurrentDrawingChanged |
Raise the CurrentDrawingChanged event.
| |
OnCurrentLayerChanged |
Raise the CurrentLayerChanged event.
| |
OnCurrentShapeSettingsStyleChanged |
Raises the CurrentShapeSettingsStyleChanged event.
| |
OnCustomHatchAdded |
Raise CustomHatchAdded event.
| |
OnCustomHatchDeleting |
Raise CustomHatchDeleting event.
| |
OnDockingBarFloated |
Raise the DockingBarFloated event.
| |
OnDockingBarVisibleChanged |
Raise the DockingBarVisibleChanged event.
| |
OnDocumentActivated |
Raise the DocumentActivated event.
| |
OnDocumentAfterSave |
Raise the DocumentAfterSave event.
| |
OnDocumentBeforeSave |
Raise the DocumentBeforeSave event.
| |
OnDocumentBeginPrint |
Raise the DocumentBeginPrint event.
| |
OnDocumentClosed |
Raise the DocumentClosed event.
| |
OnDocumentEndPrint |
Raise the DocumentEndPrint event.
| |
OnDocumentOpened |
Raise the DocumentOpened event.
| |
OnDrawingAdded |
Raise the DrawingAdded event.
| |
OnDrawingChanged |
Raise the DrawingChanged event.
| |
OnDrawingDeleting |
Raise the DrawingDeleting event.
| |
OnDrawingOrderChanged |
Raise the DrawingOrderChanged event.
| |
OnDrawingViewDrawTemporary |
Raise the DrawingViewDrawTemporary event.
| |
OnDrawingViewMouseDoubleClick |
Raise the DrawingViewMouseDoubleClick event.
| |
OnDrawingViewMouseDown |
Raise the DrawingViewMouseDown event.
| |
OnDrawingViewMouseLeave |
Raise the DrawingViewMouseLeave event.
| |
OnDrawingViewMouseMove |
Raise the DrawingViewMouseMove event.
| |
OnDrawingViewMouseUp |
Raise the DrawingViewMouseUp event.
| |
OnDrawingViewMouseWheel |
Raise the DrawingViewMouseWheel event.
| |
OnLayerAdded |
Raise the LayerAdded event.
| |
OnLayerChanged |
Raise the LayerChanged event.
| |
OnLayerDeleting |
Raise the LayerDeleting event.
| |
OnLayerOrderChanged |
Raise the LayerOrderChanged event.
| |
OnLayoutAdded |
Raise the LayoutAdded event.
| |
OnLayoutChanged |
Raise the LayoutChanged event.
| |
OnLayoutDeleting |
Raise the LayoutDeleting event.
| |
OnLayoutOrderChanged |
Raise the LayoutOrderChanged event.
| |
OnLinetypeItemAdded |
Raise the LinetypeItemAdded event.
| |
OnLinetypeItemChanged |
Raise the LinetypeItemChanged event.
| |
OnLinetypeItemDeleting |
Raise the LinetypeItemDeleting event.
| |
OnLinetypesChanged |
Raise the LinetypesChanged event.
| |
OnLinewidthItemChanged |
Raise the LinewidthItemChanged event.
| |
OnLinewidthsChanged |
Raise the LinewidthsChanged event.
| |
OnMasterDrawComponentAdded |
Raise the MasterDrawComponentAdded event.
| |
OnMasterDrawComponentDeleting |
Raise the MasterDrawComponentDeleting event.
| |
OnNewDocument |
Raise the NewDocument event.
| |
OnPrintSettingsChanged |
Raise the PrintSettingsChanged event.
| |
OnSelectionChanged |
Raise the SelectionChanged event.
| |
OnShapeAdded |
Raise the ShapeAdded event.
| |
OnShapeChanged |
Raise the ShapeChanged event.
| |
OnShapeDelete |
Raise the ShapeDelete event.
| |
OnShapeGrouped |
Raise the ShapeGrouped event.
| |
OnShapePrinting |
Raise the ShapePrinting event.
| |
OnShapeSettingsChanged |
Raises the ShapeSettingsChanged event.
| |
OnShapeSettingsStyleAdded |
Raises the ShapeSettingsStyleAdded event.
| |
OnShapeSettingsStyleChanged |
Raise the ShapeSettingsStyleChanged event.
| |
OnShapeSettingsStyleDeleting |
Raise the ShapeSettingsStyleDeleting event.
| |
OnShapeUngrouped |
Raise the ShapeUngrouped event.
| |
OnSummaryInfoChanged |
Raises the SummaryInfoChanged event.
| |
OnTabViewActivated |
Raise the TabViewActivated event.
| |
OnWindowActivated |
Raise the WindowActivated event.
| |
Quit |
Finish RootPro CAD.
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
Name | Description | |
ApplicationInitialized |
Occurs when initializing the application.
| |
ApplicationQuit |
Occurs when exiting the application.
| |
ApplicationSettingsChanged |
Occurs when the application settings is changed.
| |
ColorItemChanged |
Occurs when one color is changed.
| |
ColorsChanged |
Occurs when the color table is changed.
| |
CommandBegin |
Occurs when starting the command.
| |
CommandDraw |
Occurs when drawing to paper or part drawing view during a command.
| |
CommandEnd |
Occurs when exiting the command.
| |
CommandInitialized |
Occurs when the command is initialized.
| |
CommandMouseMove |
Occurs when the mouse cursor moves over the paper or part drawing view during command.
| |
CurrentDrawingChanged |
Occurs when the current drawing is changed.
| |
CurrentLayerChanged |
Occurs when the current layer is changed.
| |
CurrentShapeSettingsStyleChanged |
Occurs when the current graphic setting style is changed.
| |
CustomHatchAdded |
It occurs when the user defined hatch is added.
| |
CustomHatchDeleting |
Occurs when the user defined hatch is deleted.
| |
DockingBarFloated |
Occurs when the docking window becomes floating.
| |
DockingBarVisibleChanged |
Occurs when the display state of the docking window changes.
| |
DocumentActivated |
Occurs when the active document is changed.
| |
DocumentAfterSave |
Occurs when the document is saved.
| |
DocumentBeforeSave |
Occurs before the document is saved.
| |
DocumentBeginPrint |
Occurs before the document is printed.
| |
DocumentClosed |
Occurs when the document is closed.
| |
DocumentEndPrint |
Occurs after the document is printed.
| |
DocumentOpened |
Occurs when the document is opened.
| |
DrawingAdded |
Occurs when paper or part drawing is added.
| |
DrawingChanged |
Occurs when paper or part drawing has been changed.
| |
DrawingDeleting |
Occurs when paper or part drawing is deleted.
| |
DrawingOrderChanged |
Occurs when paper or partial drawing order is changed.
| |
DrawingViewDrawTemporary |
Occurs when performing a temporary draw on the view.
| |
DrawingViewMouseDoubleClick |
Occurs when the drawing view is double clicked by the mouse.
| |
DrawingViewMouseDown |
Occurs when a mouse button is pressed in the drawing view.
| |
DrawingViewMouseLeave |
Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the drawing view.
| |
DrawingViewMouseMove |
Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the drawing view.
| |
DrawingViewMouseUp |
Occurs when a mouse button is released in the drawing view.
| |
DrawingViewMouseWheel |
Occurs when the mouse wheel moves over the drawing view.
| |
LayerAdded |
Occurs when a layer is added.
| |
LayerChanged |
Occurs when the layer is changed.
| |
LayerDeleting |
Occurs when a layer is deleted.
| |
LayerOrderChanged |
Occurs when the layer order is changed.
| |
LayoutAdded |
Occurs when a layout is added.
| |
LayoutChanged |
Occurs when the layout is changed.
| |
LayoutDeleting |
Occurs when the layout is deleted.
| |
LayoutOrderChanged |
Occurs when layout order is changed.
| |
LinetypeItemAdded |
Occurs when line type is added.
| |
LinetypeItemChanged |
Occurs when one line type is changed.
| |
LinetypeItemDeleting |
Occurs when one line type is deleted.
| |
LinetypesChanged |
Occurs when the line type table is changed.
| |
LinewidthItemChanged |
Occurs when one line width is changed.
| |
LinewidthsChanged |
Occurs when the line width table is changed.
| |
MasterDrawComponentAdded |
Occurs when the definition of the drawing component is added.
| |
MasterDrawComponentDeleting |
Occurs when the definition of the drawing component is deleted.
| |
NewDocument |
Occurs when a new document is created.
| |
PrintSettingsChanged |
Occurs when the print settings is changed.
| |
SelectionChanged |
Occurs when the selection state of the shape is changed.
| |
ShapeAdded |
Occurs when a shape is added.
| |
ShapeChanged |
Occurs when the shape is changed.
| |
ShapeDelete |
Occurs when the shape is deleted.
| |
ShapeGrouped |
Occurs when the shape is grouped.
| |
ShapePrinting |
Occurs before a figure is printed.
| |
ShapeSettingsChanged |
Occurs when the shape settings is changed.
| |
ShapeSettingsStyleAdded |
Occurs when a shape settings style is added.
| |
ShapeSettingsStyleChanged |
Occurs when the shape settings style is changed.
| |
ShapeSettingsStyleDeleting |
Occurs when the shape settings style is deleted.
| |
ShapeUngrouped |
Occurs when the shape is ungrouped.
| |
SummaryInfoChanged |
Occurs when the properties of a file is changed.
| |
TabViewActivated |
Occurs when the view in the active tab changes.
| |
WindowActivated |
Occurs when the active window is changed.