ApplicationSettings Class |
Namespace: RootPro.RootProCAD
The ApplicationSettings type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
ApplicationSettings | Initializes a new instance of the ApplicationSettings class |
Name | Description | |
AngularSnapAngle |
Get or set the angle (Degree) of the angle snap.
| |
AngularSnapMode |
Gets or sets snap mode of angle snap.
| |
AntiAliased |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to draw a smooth line.
| |
AutoCrossingSelection |
Gets or sets whether a right-to-left rectangle selection also selects partially contained shapes.
| |
AutoRecover |
Get or set whether automatic backup of recovery data is done.
| |
AutoRecoverInterval |
Get or set the interval for automatic backup of recovery data.
| |
AutoSaveTemplate |
Get or set whether to save the template file automatically when exiting.
| |
ChangeCursorOnShape |
Gets or sets whether to change the mouse pointer when the cursor is over a shape.
| |
ChangeDisplayFont |
Get or set whether to change the display font.
| |
CommandParameterChangeKey |
Gets or sets the keypress for switching command parameters.
| |
CreateBackup |
Get or set whether to create a backup file when saving the file.
| |
CrosshairCursorSize |
Gets or sets the size of the crosshair cursor.
| |
CrossingSelectionAreaColor |
Get or set the color of crossing selection area.
| |
CursorColor |
Get or set the color of the cursor.
| |
DisplayFontName |
Get or set the display font name.
| |
DisplayFontRatio |
Get or set the display ratio of the font.
| |
DivisionSnapCount |
Get or set the division number of dividing point snap.
| |
DoNotSnapToDimensionProjectionLine |
Get or set whether to not snap to dimension extension line.
| |
DrawImageHighQuality |
Gets or sets whether the image is displayed in high quality.
| |
EditingMasterDrawComponentBackColor |
Gets or sets the background color of drawing component editing.
| |
EnableAngularSnap |
Get or set whether to enable angular snapping.
| |
EnableCyclingSelection |
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether overlapping shapes are to be selected in order by holding down the Alt key and clicking on the shape.
| |
EnableGesture |
Get or set whether to enable mouse gesture.
| |
EnableGroupSelection |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to select all the shapes in the group at once.
| |
EnableInPlaceTextEditor |
Gets or sets whether to edit the text directly on the view.
| |
EnableMouseDragPanning |
Gets or sets whether to move the screen by holding down the Shift key and dragging the right mouse button.
| |
EnableMultipleSelection |
Gets or sets whether to click the shape to select multiple shapes.
| |
EnableNudge |
Get or set whether to enable selection figure to move with arrow key.
| |
EnableShapeSnap |
Get or set whether to enable shape snap.
| |
FullWindowCrosshairCursor |
Gets or sets whether the crosshair cursor is displayed across the window.
| |
GestureMode |
Gets or sets the type of mouse gesture to use.
| |
GreekTextSize |
Gets or sets the pixel size to omit characters.
| |
GridSnapMode |
Gets or sets the snap mode of the grid.
| |
ImageEditorLocation |
Get or set the location of the external editor for the image.
| |
LanguageCode |
Get or set the language code of the user interface.
| |
LeaveLastRecoverFile |
Get or set whether to keep the last recovery data if I close without saving.
| |
MDITabbedWindows |
Gets or sets whether the window layout is MDI tabbed windows.
| |
MouseGestureTraceColor |
Gets or sets the color of the mouse gesture trace.
| |
MoveCursorToSnapPoint |
Get or set whether the cursor snaps to snap point.
| |
NewDocumentTemplate |
Get or set the template location for newly created drawings.
| |
NudgeMode |
Get or set how to move the selected shape with the arrow keys.
| |
NudgeSteps |
Get or set the amount of movement when moving selected shapes with arrow keys.
| |
PaperBackColor1 |
Get or set the color of the upper side of the paper background.
| |
PaperBackColor2 |
Get or set the color of the bottom side of the paper background.
| |
PaperColor |
Get or set the paper color.
| |
PaperTabViewMode |
Gets or sets the mode of current part drawing when switching to paper tab.
| |
PartBackColor |
Get or set the background color of the part drawing.
| |
PointParameterCoordinates |
Gets or sets the default value of coordinate parameter input.
| |
ReverseMouseWheel |
Gets or sets whether mouse wheel zoom in/out is inverted.
| |
SaveCommandParameter |
Get or set whether to save the state of the command parameter in the registry.
| |
SaveFileFormat |
Get or set the save file format.
| |
SaveImeMode |
Get or set whether to save IME state.
| |
SavePreview |
Get or set whether to save the preview of the file.
| |
SelectedShapeColor |
Get or set the color of the selected shape.
| |
SelectInsideOfWindow |
Gets or sets a value indicating which side of the selected range to select.
| |
SelectionAreaTransparency |
Get or set the transparency of the selection area color.
| |
SelectionType |
Gets or sets the method of selecting shapes.
| |
SelectVisibleOnlyShape |
Gets or sets whether or not to select the shape on the [show only] layer, part drawing.
| |
ShapeSnapTypes |
Gets or sets the type of shape snap.
| |
ShowCommandToolbar |
Get or set whether to display the tool bar corresponding to the command.
| |
ShowFormatChangeMessage |
Get or set whether to show message when saving in a different version format.
| |
ShowLargeIcons | Obsolete.
Get or set whether to display the toolbar with a large icon. ※ It may become unusable in the future. Please use ToolBarIconsRatio.
| |
ShowLayoutRegion |
Get or set a value indicating whether or not the range frame of the part drawing layout is to be displayed.
| |
ShowMouseGestureTrace |
Gets or sets whether to display the mouse gesture trace.
| |
ShowSelectionArea |
Get or set whether the selection area is filled with the specified color.
| |
ShowSnapBox |
Get or set whether to display the snap box.
| |
ShowSnapLine |
Get or set whether to display the snap line.
| |
ShowSnapMarker |
Get or set whether to display the snap mark.
| |
ShowSnapTooltip |
Get or set whether to display snap tooltips.
| |
SnapBoxSize |
Gets or sets the size of the snap box.
| |
SnapLineColor |
Gets or sets the color of the snap line.
| |
SnapMarkerColor |
Gets or sets the color of the snap mark.
| |
SnapMarkerSize |
Gets or sets the size of the snap mark.
| |
SnapToVisibleOnlyShape |
Gets or sets whether or not to snap to the shape on the [show only] layer, part drawing.
| |
TemplateLocation |
Get or set the location of the template file.
| |
ThumbnailBackColor |
Get or set the background color of the thumbnail.
| |
ToolBarIconsRatio |
Get or set the display ratio of the toolbar icon.
| |
TrackerHandleSize |
Gets or sets the size of the selected tracker handle.
| |
UpdateInterval |
Gets or sets the interval to check for application updates.
| |
Variables |
Get a collection of input value variables.
| |
VisibleOnlyShapeGrayMode |
Gets or sets whether or not to gray the shapes on the [show only] layer, part drawing.
| |
VisibleOnlyShapeGrayValue |
Gets or sets the gray value of the shape on the [show only] layer, part drawing.
| |
VisualStyle |
Get or set the color scheme of the window.
| |
WindowSelectionAreaColor |
Get or set the color of window selection area.
| |
WindowSelectionMode |
Gets or sets whether only geometries that are completely contained in the selection are selected.
| |
ZoomingRatio |
Get or set the zoom ratio when the drawing is zoomed in or out.
Name | Description | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |