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DiameterDimensionShape Class

Represents the diameter dimension.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  RootPro.RootProCAD
Assembly:  RootPro.RootProCAD.Library (in RootPro.RootProCAD.Library.dll) Version: (
public abstract class DiameterDimensionShape : DimensionShape

The DiameterDimensionShape type exposes the following members.

Protected methodDiameterDimensionShape
Initializes a new instance of the DiameterDimensionShape class
Public propertyAddRPhi
Acquire or set a value indicating whether R or Φ should be added before the dimension value of radius / diameter dimension.
Public propertyAlwaysDimensionLineInside
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the dimension line is displayed between the auxiliary lines even when the arrow position is outside.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyArrowPosition
Get or set the position of the arrow.
Public propertyAttributes
Get the attribute collection.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyAutoArrowPosition
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to automatically determine the position of the arrow according to the position of the dimension value when creating / changing the dimension line.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyAutoDimensionText
Dimension value Acquires or sets a value indicating whether automatic operation is performed.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyBold
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the character is bold.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyColor
Gets or sets the color of the dimension line.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyColorNumber
Gets or sets the color number of the dimension line.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimensionText
Get or set the dimension value character string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimensionTextAngle
Placement or setting of dimension value Acquire or set the angle when angle type is arbitrary specification value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimensionTextAngleType
Get or set the orientation angle type of the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimensionTextDistance
Gets or sets the distance from the dimension line of the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimensionTextFullWidth
Gets or sets a value indicating whether half width of the character of dimension value is full width.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimensionTextHorizontalPosition
Gets or sets the horizontal position of the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimensionTextPoint
Get or set the coordinates of the placement point of the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimensionTextPositionFreeMode
Dimension value Acquires or sets free placement mode.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimensionTextVerticalPosition
Gets or sets the vertical position of the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimentionText Obsolete.
Get or set the dimension value character string. ※ It may become unusable in the future. Please use DimensionText.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDimentionTextPoint Obsolete.
Get or set the coordinates of the placement point of the dimension value. ※ It may become unusable in the future. Please use DimensionTextPoint.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyDocument
Acquire the document.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyDrawGroup
Acquire the parent's drawing group.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyDrawing
Acquire a partial diagram.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyEndArrowSize
Acquires or sets the arrow size of the end point side.
Public propertyEndArrowSizeEqualTextHeight
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the size of the pointed arrow selected on the end point side should be the same as the text height.
Public propertyEndArrowType
Acquires or sets the arrow type on the end point side.
Public propertyEndOutsideLength
Get or set the length of the outside dimension line that will be on the end point side.
Public propertyEndPoint
Get or set the coordinates of the end point.
Public propertyEndPointedArrowSizePosition
Gets or sets the position indicated by the size of the pointed arrow selected on the end point side.
Public propertyEndPointedArrowUserAngle
Gets or sets the angle (Degree) when the angle of the tip of the pointed arrow selected on the start point side is arbitrarily specified.
Public propertyExtendDimensionLine
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the dimension line will be extended to the position of the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyFontHeight
Get or set the character height of the character.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyFontName
Get or set font name of character.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyInsideTex2
Acquires or sets the second added character string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyInsideText1
Acquires or sets the first added character string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyInsideTextHorizontalArrangeType
Acquires or sets the horizontal placement type of the medium appended character string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyInsideTextSizeRatio
Acquires or sets the size ratio of medium added character string (ratio to dimension value character (height, width, character spacing)).
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyInsideTextType
Medium Additional character string Get or set the stage type.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyInsideTextVerticalArrangeType
Get or set the vertical placement type of medium appended character string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyIsComposite
Gets a value indicating whether it is a complex figure.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyIsTemporary
Get a value indicating whether it is a temporary shape.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyLayer
Get or set the layer.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyLayerID
Get or set the ID of the layer.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyLengthRound
Get or set the rounding value of the length dimension value.
Public propertyLengthScale
Gets or sets the scale of the length dimension value.
Public propertyLengthUnitFormatType
Get or set the notation type of length dimension value.
Public propertyLinetype
Get or set the line type of the dimension line.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyLinetypeNumber
Get or set the line type number of the dimension line.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyLinewidth
Get or set the line width of the dimension line.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyLinewidthNumber
Get or set the line width number of the dimension line.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyNotSettledArrowPositionMode
Gets or sets the processing mode when the dimension value and the arrow do not fit inside the dimension line.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyNumber
Acquires the figure number.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyPostText1
Retrieves or sets the first appended character string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyPostText2
Acquires or sets the second appended character string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyPostTextHorizontalArrangeType
Get or set the horizontal placement type of postscript added string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyPostTextSizeRatio
Get or set the size ratio of post-appended character string (ratio to dimension value character (height, width, character spacing)).
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyPostTextType
Retrieves or sets the number of stages of post-appended character string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyPostTextVerticalArrangeType
Get or set the vertical alignment type of the post-appended character string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyPrecision
Acquires or sets the precision (length of digits after the decimal point) of the length dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyPreText
Get or set pre-append string.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyRecordID
Get the record ID.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertySeparateText
Dimension value Gets or sets the 3-digit delimiter character type.
Public propertyShowAboveZero
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display zeros before the decimal point of the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyShowDimensionTextToleranceLimits
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyShowEndDimensionLine
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the dimension line on the end point side is displayed.
Public propertyShowStartDimensionLine
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dimension line on the start point side is displayed.
Public propertyShowToleranceAboveZero
Gets or sets a value indicating whether zero before the decimal point of the tolerance is displayed.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyShowToleranceMinusZeroMark
When the tolerance difference is two-stage display and the second row is zero - Acquire or set a value indicating whether or not to add a sign.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyShowToleranceUnitZero1
Get or set a value indicating zero notation 1 according to the notation type of tolerance difference.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyShowToleranceUnitZero2
Get or set a value indicating zero notation 2 according to the notation type of tolerance difference.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyShowToleranceZero
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display zero after the decimal point of the tolerance difference.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyShowUnitZero1
Gets or sets a value indicating the zero notation 1 according to the notation type of the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyShowUnitZero2
Gets or sets a value indicating the zero notation 2 according to the notation type of the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyShowZero
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to display zeros after the decimal point of the dimension value.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertySlant
Get or set the tilt angle (Degree) of the character.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertySpacing
Get or set the character spacing of letters.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyStartArrowSize
Get or set the size of the arrow on the starting point side.
Public propertyStartArrowSizeEqualTextHeight
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the size of the pointed arrow selected on the start point side should be the same as the text height.
Public propertyStartArrowType
Get or set the arrow type at the start point side.
Public propertyStartOutsideLength
Gets or sets the length of the outer side of the dimension line that becomes the starting point side.
Public propertyStartPoint
Get or set the coordinates of the start point.
Public propertyStartPointedArrowSizePosition
Gets or sets the position indicated by the size of the pointed arrow selected on the start point side.
Public propertyStartPointedArrowUserAngle
Gets or sets the angle (Degree) when the angle of the tip of the pointed arrow selected on the start point side is arbitrarily specified.
Public propertyTextColor
Get or set the color of the character.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyTextColorNumber
Get or set the color number of the character.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyTolerance1
Acquire or set tolerance 1.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyTolerance2
Acquire or set tolerance 2.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyToleranceAddParenthesis
Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not tolerance is enclosed in parentheses.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyToleranceHorizontalArrangeType
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment type of tolerance difference.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyTolerancePrecision
Acquires or sets the tolerance difference accuracy (number of digits after the decimal point).
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyToleranceTextSizeRatio
Get or set the size ratio of letters of tolerance (ratio to dimension value characters (height, width, character spacing)).
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyToleranceType
Get or set tolerance type.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyToleranceVerticalArrangeType
Gets or sets the vertical alignment type of the tolerance difference.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyUseEndPointedArrowUserAngle
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to arbitrarily specify the angle of the tip of the pointed arrow selected on the end point side.
Public propertyUseStartPointedArrowUserAngle
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to arbitrarily specify the angle of the tip of the pointed arrow selected on the start point side.
Public propertyUseTextColor
Gets or sets a value indicating whether "color of text is different from dimension line".
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public propertyWidthScale
Get or set the character width ratio of characters.
(Inherited from DimensionShape.)
Public methodClone
Duplicate a shape to create a temporary instance.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public methodCopy
Create a copy of the shape and add it to the drawing.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public methodDelete
Delete the shape.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExplode
Disassemble the shape.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetBoundingBox
Get the rectangular area surrounding the shape.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public methodGetBoundingPoints
Get the area surrounding the shape.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public methodGetExplodedShapes
Get the decomposed figure.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodMirror
Move the figure mirror image.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public methodMove
Move the shape.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public methodRotate
Rotate the shape.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public methodScale
Zoom in or out the shape.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransform
Convert geometry with specified magnification, angle and coordinates.
(Inherited from Shape.)
See Also