CommandNames Fields |
The CommandNames type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddInAddInManager |
Get the identifier representing the add-in management command.
| |
EditAddPointArray |
Get the identifier representing the point sequence addition command.
| |
EditAdjust |
Get the identifier representing the line adjustment command.
| |
EditAlign |
Get the identifier representing the alignment command.
| |
EditAroundCatcher |
Get the identifier representing the envelope command.
| |
EditChamfer |
Get an identifier representing a chamfer command.
| |
EditChangeBalloonSetting |
Get the identifier representing the change command of the balloon setting command.
| |
EditChangeBasicShapeSetting |
Change the settings of the general shape Get the identifier representing the command.
| |
EditChangeDimensionSetting |
Get the identifier representing the change command of the dimension setting.
| |
EditChangeHatchSetting |
Get hatching setting Get the identifier representing the command.
| |
EditChangeImageSetting |
Get the identifier representing the image change command.
| |
EditChangeLeadSetting |
Change the setting of the leader Get the identifier representing the command.
| |
EditChangeOleObjectSetting |
Get the identifier representing the object change command.
| |
EditChangePointMarkerSetting |
Change point setting Get an identifier representing the command.
| |
EditChangeShapeSetting |
Change the setting of the figure Get the identifier representing the command.
| |
EditChangeText |
Get an identifier representing a character editing command.
| |
EditChangeTextSetting |
Change the character setting Get the identifier representing the command.
| |
EditClipboardCopy |
Specify the reference point and acquire the identifier representing the copy command.
| |
EditClipboardCopyDirect |
Get the identifier representing the copy command.
| |
EditClipboardCut |
Specify the reference point and acquire the identifier representing the cut command.
| |
EditClipboardCutDirect |
Get the identifier representing the cut command.
| |
EditClipboardPaste |
Get the identifier representing the paste command.
| |
EditClipboardPasteSpecial |
Select the format to obtain the identifier representing the paste command.
| |
EditCopy |
Get the identifier representing the copy command.
| |
EditCopyCut |
Get the identifier representing the cut copy command.
| |
EditCopyMirror |
Get the identifier representing the mirror copy command.
| |
EditCopyRectangleArrange |
Get an identifier representing a rectangular array copy command.
| |
EditCopyRotate |
Get the identifier representing the rotation copy command.
| |
EditCopyRotateArrange |
Get the identifier representing the rotation array copy command.
| |
EditCopyScale |
Get the identifier representing the magnification copy command.
| |
EditCopyScaleRotate |
Get the identifier representing the magnification rotation copy command.
| |
EditCopyShapeSetting |
Get the identifier representing the copy command as the figure setting.
| |
EditCopyToLayer |
Get the identifier representing the inter-layer copy command.
| |
EditDelete |
Get the identifier representing the deletion command.
| |
EditDeletePointArray |
Get the identifier representing the point sequence deletion command.
| |
EditDisplayOrderBack |
Get the identifier representing the move command to the back side.
| |
EditDisplayOrderBottom |
Get the identifier representing the move command to the backmost side.
| |
EditDisplayOrderFront |
Get the identifier representing the move command to the front.
| |
EditDisplayOrderTop |
Get the identifier representing the move command to the foreground.
| |
EditDivide |
Get the identifier representing the split command.
| |
EditFillet |
Get the identifier representing the round (fillet) command.
| |
EditGroup |
Get the identifier representing the drawing grouping command.
| |
EditImageEditOtherApps |
Get the identifier representing the edit other apps command.
| |
EditImageReplace |
Get the identifier representing the replace image command.
| |
EditImageTrim |
Get the identifier representing the trim image command.
| |
EditJoin |
Get the identifier representing the join command.
| |
EditLinearizeCurve |
Get the identifier representing the curve linearization command.
| |
EditMove |
Get the identifier representing the move command.
| |
EditMoveCut |
Get the identifier representing the cut move command.
| |
EditMoveMirror |
Get the identifier representing mirror image move command.
| |
EditMoveRotate |
Get the identifier representing the rotation movement command.
| |
EditMoveScale |
Get the identifier representing the magnification movement command.
| |
EditMoveScaleRotate |
Get the identifier representing the magnification rotation movement command.
| |
EditMoveToLayer |
Get the identifier representing the inter-layer move command.
| |
EditOffset |
Get the identifier representing the offset command.
| |
EditRedo |
Get the identifier representing the redo command.
| |
EditRegisterAsStyle |
Get the identifier representing the command to register shape settings in style.
| |
EditResolve |
Get the identifier representing the disassembly command.
| |
EditResolvePolyline |
Obtain the identifier representing the disassembled command as a continuous line as a line.
| |
EditRotate |
Get an identifier representing a rotation command.
| |
EditSaveShapeSetting |
Get the identifier representing the command to set the figure's setting to the default value.
| |
EditScale |
Get the identifier representing the scaling command.
| |
EditStretch |
Get the identifier representing the stretch command.
| |
EditTrim |
Get the identifier representing the trim command.
| |
EditTrimRect |
Get the identifier representing the rectangular range trim command.
| |
EditUndo |
Get the identifier representing the undo command.
| |
EditUnGroup |
Get the identifier representing the drawing group release command.
| |
FileDxfConverterSettings |
Get the identifier representing the DXF/DWG file settings command.
| |
FileJwConverterSettings |
Get the identifier representing the JW file settings command.
| |
FilePdfConverterSettings |
Get the identifier representing the PDF file settings command.
| |
FileProperties |
Get the identifier representing the file properties command.
| |
FileSxfConverterSettings |
Get the identifier representing the SXF file settings command.
| |
PrintingPrint |
Get the identifier representing the printing command.
| |
PrintingPrintSettings |
Get the identifier representing the print setting command.
| |
PrintSetRange |
Get printing range Identifier for command is obtained.
| |
PropertyEditAngle |
Property - Gets an identifier representing an angle command.
| |
PropertyEditLength |
Property - Gets the identifier representing the length command.
| |
PropertyEditPoint |
Property - Get the identifier representing the coordinate input command.
| |
PropertyEditScale |
Property - Get the identifier representing the magnification command.
| |
SettingsAddDrawing |
Get the identifier representing the partial figure add command.
| |
SettingsAddLayout |
Obtain the identifier representing the placement command for the partial drawing on the paper.
| |
SettingsAddPaper |
Get the identifier representing the paper addition command.
| |
SettingsAttributes |
Get the identifier representing the attribute command.
| |
SettingsBalloonSetting |
Get the identifier representing the default value command of the balloon.
| |
SettingsBasicShapeSetting |
Get the identifier representing the default value command of general shape.
| |
SettingsChangeLayout |
Partial drawing Get the identifier indicating the layout command setting command.
| |
SettingsColorTable |
Get the identifier representing the color table command.
| |
SettingsCustomHatch |
Get the identifier representing the user defined hatching setting command.
| |
SettingsDeleteActiveDrawing |
Get the identifier representing the delete command of the current partial drawing.
| |
SettingsDimensionSetting |
Get the identifier representing the default value command of the dimension.
| |
SettingsDrawingSetting |
Get the identifier representing the drawing setting command.
| |
SettingsGridOrigin |
Get the identifier representing the grid origin command.
| |
SettingsGridRange |
Get the identifier representing the grid range specification command.
| |
SettingsGridSetting |
Get the identifier representing the grid setting command.
| |
SettingsHatchSetting |
Get the identifier representing the default value command of hatching.
| |
SettingsLeadSetting |
Get the identifier representing the default value command of the leader line.
| |
SettingsLinetypeTable |
Get the identifier representing the line type table command.
| |
SettingsLinewidthTable |
Get the identifier representing the line width table command.
| |
SettingsOptions |
Get the identifier representing the option command.
| |
SettingsPointMarkerSetting |
Get the identifier representing the default value of the point command.
| |
SettingsResetUserOrigin |
Gets the identifier representing the draw origin reset command.
| |
SettingsSelectFilter |
Get the identifier representing the condition selection setting command.
| |
SettingsSelectFilterMode |
Get the identifier representing the condition selection command.
| |
SettingsShapeSettingStyle |
Get the identifier representing the style setting command.
| |
SettingsShowGrid |
Get the identifier representing the grid display command.
| |
SettingsSnap |
Get the identifier representing the angle snap combo box command.
| |
SettingsTemplateSetting |
Get the identifier representing the template setting command.
| |
SettingsTextSetting |
Get the identifier representing the default value command of the character.
| |
SettingsUserOrigin |
Get the identifier representing the draw origin command.
| |
ShapeAddDrawComponent |
Get the identifier representing the plotting component placement command.
| |
ShapeAddImage |
Get the identifier representing the image command.
| |
ShapeAddShapeCustomHatch |
Get the identifier representing the user defined hatching setting command.
| |
ShapeAngledLine |
Get the identifier representing the angle line command.
| |
ShapeAngularDimension |
Get the identifier representing the angle dimension command.
| |
ShapeArc |
Get the identifier representing the arc command.
| |
ShapeArcDimension |
Get the identifier representing the arc dimension command.
| |
ShapeArcOf2Point |
Get an identifier representing a 2-point arc command.
| |
ShapeArcOf2Tangent |
2 Get the identifier representing the geometry contact arc command.
| |
ShapeArcOf3Point |
Get an identifier representing a three-point arc command.
| |
ShapeArcOf3Tangent |
3 Get the identifier representing the geometry contact arc command.
| |
ShapeArcOfTangent |
1 Get the identifier representing the geometry contact arc command.
| |
ShapeBalloon |
Get the identifier representing the balloon command.
| |
ShapeBaselineAngularDimension |
Parallel Angle Gets an identifier representing a command.
| |
ShapeBaselineArcDimension |
Get the identifier representing parallel arc dimension command.
| |
ShapeBaselineHorizontalLinearDimension |
Get the identifier representing the parallel horizontal dimension command.
| |
ShapeBaselineLinearDimension |
Get the identifier representing the parallel length dimension command.
| |
ShapeBaselineParallelDimension |
Get the identifier representing parallel parallel dimension command.
| |
ShapeBaselineVerticalLinearDimension |
Get the identifier representing the parallel vertical dimension command.
| |
ShapeBSplineCurve |
Get the identifier representing B spline (control point) command.
| |
ShapeBSplineCurveOfInterpolatePoints |
Get the identifier representing the B spline (passing point) command.
| |
ShapeCChamferLead |
Get the identifier representing the chamfer leader command.
| |
ShapeCircle |
Get an identifier representing a circle command.
| |
ShapeCircleOf2Point |
Get the identifier representing the 2-point circle command.
| |
ShapeCircleOf2Tangent |
2 Get the identifier representing the graphic wedge command.
| |
ShapeCircleOf3Point |
Obtain an identifier representing a three-point circle command.
| |
ShapeCircleOf3Tangent |
3 Get the identifier representing the graphic wedge command.
| |
ShapeCircleOfTangent |
1 Get an identifier representing a figure close-in command.
| |
ShapeContinueAngularDimension |
Serial Angle Get the identifier representing the command.
| |
ShapeContinueArcDimension |
Get the identifier representing serial arc size command.
| |
ShapeContinueHorizontalLinearDimension |
Get the identifier representing the serial horizontal dimension command.
| |
ShapeContinueLinearDimension |
serial length length Get the identifier representing the command.
| |
ShapeContinueParallelDimension |
Get the identifier representing serial parallel dimension command.
| |
ShapeContinueVerticalLinearDimension |
Get the identifier representing the serial vertical dimension command.
| |
ShapeDiameterDimension |
Get the identifier representing the diameter dimension command.
| |
ShapeDivisionPointMarker |
Get the identifier representing the split point command.
| |
ShapeEllipse |
Get the identifier representing the ellipse command.
| |
ShapeEllipseArc |
Get the identifier representing the elliptical arc command.
| |
ShapeHatch |
Get the identifier representing the hatching command.
| |
ShapeHollowHatch |
Get an identifier representing a hatched command.
| |
ShapeHorizontalLine |
Get the identifier representing the horizontal line command.
| |
ShapeHorizontalLinearDimension |
Get the identifier representing the horizontal dimension command.
| |
ShapeHorizontalVerticalLine |
Get the identifier representing the horizontal / vertical line command.
| |
ShapeInfiniteLine |
Get the identifier representing the infinite line command.
| |
ShapeInsertOleObject |
Get the identifier representing the object command.
| |
ShapeIntersectionPointMarker |
Get the identifier representing the intersection command.
| |
ShapeLead |
Get the identifier representing the leader command.
| |
ShapeLine |
Get an identifier representing a line segment command.
| |
ShapeLinearDimension |
Get the identifier representing the length dimension command.
| |
ShapeMultiLine |
Get the identifier representing multiple line command.
| |
ShapeParallelDimension |
Obtain an identifier representing a parallel dimension command.
| |
ShapeParallelLine |
Get an identifier representing a parallel line command.
| |
ShapePerpendicularLine |
Get the identifier representing the perpendicular command.
| |
ShapePointMarker |
Get an identifier representing a point command.
| |
ShapePolygon |
Get the identifier representing the regular polygon command.
| |
ShapePolyline |
Get the identifier representing the continuous line command.
| |
ShapePolylineIndividual |
Obtain an identifier representing a continuous line segment command.
| |
ShapeProgressiveAngularDimension |
Progressive angle Get the identifier representing the command.
| |
ShapeProgressiveArcDimension |
Obtain the identifier representing the progressive arc dimension command.
| |
ShapeProgressiveHorizontalLinearDimension |
Get the identifier representing the progressive horizontal dimension command.
| |
ShapeProgressiveLinearDimension |
Obtain the identifier representing the progressive length dimension command.
| |
ShapeProgressiveParallelDimension |
Obtain the identifier representing the progressive parallel dimension command.
| |
ShapeProgressiveVerticalLinearDimension |
Get the identifier representing the progressive vertical dimension command.
| |
ShapeRadiusDimension |
Get the identifier representing the radial dimension command.
| |
ShapeRectangle |
Get an identifier representing a rectangular command.
| |
ShapeRegisterDrawComponent |
Get the identifier representing the drawing part registration command.
| |
ShapeRelativePointMarker |
Get an identifier representing a relative point command.
| |
ShapeSemiInfiniteLine |
Get an identifier representing semi-infinite line command.
| |
ShapeTangent2Line |
2 Get the identifier representing the figure tangent command.
| |
ShapeTangentLine |
Get the identifier representing the tangent command.
| |
ShapeText |
Get an identifier representing a character command.
| |
ShapeTextParagraph |
Get the identifier representing the sentence command.
| |
ShapeTolerance |
Get geometric tolerance command identifier.
| |
ShapeVerticalLine |
Get the identifier representing the vertical line command.
| |
ShapeVerticalLinearDimension |
Get the identifier representing the vertical dimension command.
| |
ToolsMeasureAngle |
Get the identifier representing the angle measurement command.
| |
ToolsMeasureArea |
Get the identifier representing area measurement command.
| |
ToolsMeasureCoordinates |
Get the identifier representing the coordinate measurement command.
| |
ToolsMeasureLength |
Get the identifier representing the length measurement command.
| |
ToolsSnapshot |
Get the identifier representing the snapshot command.