Click or drag to resize

ToolBarItem Properties

The ToolBarItem type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBuiltIn
Get a value indicating whether it is a built-in toolbar item.
Public propertyCommandName
Get or set the command name assigned to the toolbar item.
Public propertyDisplayStyle
Get or set the display state of the toolbar item.
Public propertyEnabled
Gets a value indicating whether the toolbar item is valid.
Public propertyID
Get the command ID assigned to the toolbar item.
Public propertyIndex
Get the index number in the collection of toolbar items.
Public propertyItemType
Get the type of toolbar item.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the key name associated with this toolbar item.
Public propertyText
Get or set the text displayed on the toolbar item.
Public propertyToolTipText
Gets or sets the text to be displayed as a tooltip for the toolbar item.
See Also