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DockingBarCollectionAdd Method (String, String, Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)

Add a new docking window.

Namespace:  RootPro.RootProCAD.UI
Assembly:  RootPro.RootProCAD.Library (in RootPro.RootProCAD.Library.dll) Version: (
public abstract CustomDockingBar Add(
	string uniqueName,
	string name,
	int cx,
	int cy,
	bool enableVisualStyle,
	bool enableDisplayFont


Type: SystemString
Unique name to assign to the window
Type: SystemString
Display name of docking window
Type: SystemInt32
Initial width of docking window
Type: SystemInt32
Initial height of docking window
Type: SystemBoolean
A value that indicates whether or not to use the RootPro CAD window color scheme. True if the window color scheme is to be used, false if it is not to be used. If true, the BackColor and ForeColor of each Control will be changed; the FlatStyle of Button will be changed to Flat.
Type: SystemBoolean
A value that indicates whether or not the RootPro CAD display font and window text size is to be used. True if RootPro CAD display font and window font size are to be used, false if they are not be used. If true, Font of each Control will be changed; AutoScaleMode of UserControl will be changed to Dpi.

Return Value

Type: CustomDockingBar
CustomDockingBar that represents the added docking window.
See Also