Click or drag to resize

Application Methods

The Application type exposes the following members.

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnApplicationInitialized
Raise the ApplicationInitialized event.
Protected methodOnApplicationQuit
Raise the ApplicationQuit event.
Protected methodOnApplicationSettingsChanged
Raise the ApplicationSettingsChanged event.
Protected methodOnColorItemChanged
Raise the ColorItemChanged event.
Protected methodOnColorsChanged
Raise the ColorsChanged event.
Protected methodOnCommandBegin
Raise a Begin event.
Protected methodOnCommandDraw
Raise CommandDraw event.
Protected methodOnCommandEnd
Generate an event.
Protected methodOnCommandInitialized
Raise the CommandInitialized event.
Protected methodOnCommandMouseMove
Raise MouseMove event.
Protected methodOnCurrentDrawingChanged
Raise the CurrentDrawingChanged event.
Protected methodOnCurrentLayerChanged
Raise the CurrentLayerChanged event.
Protected methodOnCurrentShapeSettingsStyleChanged
Raises the CurrentShapeSettingsStyleChanged event.
Protected methodOnCustomHatchAdded
Raise CustomHatchAdded event.
Protected methodOnCustomHatchDeleting
Raise CustomHatchDeleting event.
Protected methodOnDockingBarFloated
Raise the DockingBarFloated event.
Protected methodOnDockingBarVisibleChanged
Raise the DockingBarVisibleChanged event.
Protected methodOnDocumentActivated
Raise the DocumentActivated event.
Protected methodOnDocumentAfterSave
Raise the DocumentAfterSave event.
Protected methodOnDocumentBeforeSave
Raise the DocumentBeforeSave event.
Protected methodOnDocumentBeginPrint
Raise the DocumentBeginPrint event.
Protected methodOnDocumentClosed
Raise the DocumentClosed event.
Protected methodOnDocumentEndPrint
Raise the DocumentEndPrint event.
Protected methodOnDocumentOpened
Raise the DocumentOpened event.
Protected methodOnDrawingAdded
Raise the DrawingAdded event.
Protected methodOnDrawingChanged
Raise the DrawingChanged event.
Protected methodOnDrawingDeleting
Raise the DrawingDeleting event.
Protected methodOnDrawingOrderChanged
Raise the DrawingOrderChanged event.
Protected methodOnDrawingViewDrawTemporary
Raise the DrawingViewDrawTemporary event.
Protected methodOnDrawingViewMouseDoubleClick
Raise the DrawingViewMouseDoubleClick event.
Protected methodOnDrawingViewMouseDown
Raise the DrawingViewMouseDown event.
Protected methodOnDrawingViewMouseLeave
Raise the DrawingViewMouseLeave event.
Protected methodOnDrawingViewMouseMove
Raise the DrawingViewMouseMove event.
Protected methodOnDrawingViewMouseUp
Raise the DrawingViewMouseUp event.
Protected methodOnDrawingViewMouseWheel
Raise the DrawingViewMouseWheel event.
Protected methodOnLayerAdded
Raise the LayerAdded event.
Protected methodOnLayerChanged
Raise the LayerChanged event.
Protected methodOnLayerDeleting
Raise the LayerDeleting event.
Protected methodOnLayerOrderChanged
Raise the LayerOrderChanged event.
Protected methodOnLayoutAdded
Raise the LayoutAdded event.
Protected methodOnLayoutChanged
Raise the LayoutChanged event.
Protected methodOnLayoutDeleting
Raise the LayoutDeleting event.
Protected methodOnLayoutOrderChanged
Raise the LayoutOrderChanged event.
Protected methodOnLinetypeItemAdded
Raise the LinetypeItemAdded event.
Protected methodOnLinetypeItemChanged
Raise the LinetypeItemChanged event.
Protected methodOnLinetypeItemDeleting
Raise the LinetypeItemDeleting event.
Protected methodOnLinetypesChanged
Raise the LinetypesChanged event.
Protected methodOnLinewidthItemChanged
Raise the LinewidthItemChanged event.
Protected methodOnLinewidthsChanged
Raise the LinewidthsChanged event.
Protected methodOnMasterDrawComponentAdded
Raise the MasterDrawComponentAdded event.
Protected methodOnMasterDrawComponentDeleting
Raise the MasterDrawComponentDeleting event.
Protected methodOnNewDocument
Raise the NewDocument event.
Protected methodOnPrintSettingsChanged
Raise the PrintSettingsChanged event.
Protected methodOnSelectionChanged
Raise the SelectionChanged event.
Protected methodOnShapeAdded
Raise the ShapeAdded event.
Protected methodOnShapeChanged
Raise the ShapeChanged event.
Protected methodOnShapeDelete
Raise the ShapeDelete event.
Protected methodOnShapeGrouped
Raise the ShapeGrouped event.
Protected methodOnShapePrinting
Raise the ShapePrinting event.
Protected methodOnShapeSettingsChanged
Raises the ShapeSettingsChanged event.
Protected methodOnShapeSettingsStyleAdded
Raises the ShapeSettingsStyleAdded event.
Protected methodOnShapeSettingsStyleChanged
Raise the ShapeSettingsStyleChanged event.
Protected methodOnShapeSettingsStyleDeleting
Raise the ShapeSettingsStyleDeleting event.
Protected methodOnShapeUngrouped
Raise the ShapeUngrouped event.
Protected methodOnSummaryInfoChanged
Raises the SummaryInfoChanged event.
Protected methodOnTabViewActivated
Raise the TabViewActivated event.
Protected methodOnWindowActivated
Raise the WindowActivated event.
Public methodQuit
Finish RootPro CAD.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
See Also