Click or drag to resize

Application Events

The Application type exposes the following members.

Public eventApplicationInitialized
Occurs when initializing the application.
Public eventApplicationQuit
Occurs when exiting the application.
Public eventApplicationSettingsChanged
Occurs when the application settings is changed.
Public eventColorItemChanged
Occurs when one color is changed.
Public eventColorsChanged
Occurs when the color table is changed.
Public eventCommandBegin
Occurs when starting the command.
Public eventCommandDraw
Occurs when drawing to paper or part drawing view during a command.
Public eventCommandEnd
Occurs when exiting the command.
Public eventCommandInitialized
Occurs when the command is initialized.
Public eventCommandMouseMove
Occurs when the mouse cursor moves over the paper or part drawing view during command.
Public eventCurrentDrawingChanged
Occurs when the current drawing is changed.
Public eventCurrentLayerChanged
Occurs when the current layer is changed.
Public eventCurrentShapeSettingsStyleChanged
Occurs when the current graphic setting style is changed.
Public eventCustomHatchAdded
It occurs when the user defined hatch is added.
Public eventCustomHatchDeleting
Occurs when the user defined hatch is deleted.
Public eventDockingBarFloated
Occurs when the docking window becomes floating.
Public eventDockingBarVisibleChanged
Occurs when the display state of the docking window changes.
Public eventDocumentActivated
Occurs when the active document is changed.
Public eventDocumentAfterSave
Occurs when the document is saved.
Public eventDocumentBeforeSave
Occurs before the document is saved.
Public eventDocumentBeginPrint
Occurs before the document is printed.
Public eventDocumentClosed
Occurs when the document is closed.
Public eventDocumentEndPrint
Occurs after the document is printed.
Public eventDocumentOpened
Occurs when the document is opened.
Public eventDrawingAdded
Occurs when paper or part drawing is added.
Public eventDrawingChanged
Occurs when paper or part drawing has been changed.
Public eventDrawingDeleting
Occurs when paper or part drawing is deleted.
Public eventDrawingOrderChanged
Occurs when paper or partial drawing order is changed.
Public eventDrawingViewDrawTemporary
Occurs when performing a temporary draw on the view.
Public eventDrawingViewMouseDoubleClick
Occurs when the drawing view is double clicked by the mouse.
Public eventDrawingViewMouseDown
Occurs when a mouse button is pressed in the drawing view.
Public eventDrawingViewMouseLeave
Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the drawing view.
Public eventDrawingViewMouseMove
Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the drawing view.
Public eventDrawingViewMouseUp
Occurs when a mouse button is released in the drawing view.
Public eventDrawingViewMouseWheel
Occurs when the mouse wheel moves over the drawing view.
Public eventLayerAdded
Occurs when a layer is added.
Public eventLayerChanged
Occurs when the layer is changed.
Public eventLayerDeleting
Occurs when a layer is deleted.
Public eventLayerOrderChanged
Occurs when the layer order is changed.
Public eventLayoutAdded
Occurs when a layout is added.
Public eventLayoutChanged
Occurs when the layout is changed.
Public eventLayoutDeleting
Occurs when the layout is deleted.
Public eventLayoutOrderChanged
Occurs when layout order is changed.
Public eventLinetypeItemAdded
Occurs when line type is added.
Public eventLinetypeItemChanged
Occurs when one line type is changed.
Public eventLinetypeItemDeleting
Occurs when one line type is deleted.
Public eventLinetypesChanged
Occurs when the line type table is changed.
Public eventLinewidthItemChanged
Occurs when one line width is changed.
Public eventLinewidthsChanged
Occurs when the line width table is changed.
Public eventMasterDrawComponentAdded
Occurs when the definition of the drawing component is added.
Public eventMasterDrawComponentDeleting
Occurs when the definition of the drawing component is deleted.
Public eventNewDocument
Occurs when a new document is created.
Public eventPrintSettingsChanged
Occurs when the print settings is changed.
Public eventSelectionChanged
Occurs when the selection state of the shape is changed.
Public eventShapeAdded
Occurs when a shape is added.
Public eventCode exampleShapeChanged
Occurs when the shape is changed.
Public eventShapeDelete
Occurs when the shape is deleted.
Public eventShapeGrouped
Occurs when the shape is grouped.
Public eventShapePrinting
Occurs before a figure is printed.
Public eventShapeSettingsChanged
Occurs when the shape settings is changed.
Public eventShapeSettingsStyleAdded
Occurs when a shape settings style is added.
Public eventShapeSettingsStyleChanged
Occurs when the shape settings style is changed.
Public eventShapeSettingsStyleDeleting
Occurs when the shape settings style is deleted.
Public eventShapeUngrouped
Occurs when the shape is ungrouped.
Public eventSummaryInfoChanged
Occurs when the properties of a file is changed.
Public eventTabViewActivated
Occurs when the view in the active tab changes.
Public eventWindowActivated
Occurs when the active window is changed.
See Also