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TextShape Properties

The TextShape type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlignment
Get or set the alignment reference position.
Public propertyAngle
Get or set the alignment angle (Degree) of the character.
Public propertyAttributes
Get the attribute collection.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyBackgroundColor
Get or set the background color of the text.
Public propertyBackgroundColorNumber
Gets or sets the color number of the background color of the text.
Public propertyBackgroundTransparency
Gets or sets the transparency of the text background color.
Public propertyBold
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the character is bold.
Public propertyColor
Get or set the color of the character.
Public propertyColorNumber
Get or set the color number of the character.
Public propertyDirectionVertical
Gets or sets the orientation of the character.
Public propertyDocument
Acquire the document.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyDrawGroup
Acquire the parent's drawing group.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyDrawing
Acquire a partial diagram.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyFontHeight
Get or set the character height.
Public propertyFontName
Get or set font name.
Public propertyHorizontalReverse
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the character is inverted horizontally.
Public propertyIsComposite
Gets a value indicating whether it is a complex figure.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyIsTemporary
Get a value indicating whether it is a temporary shape.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyLayer
Get or set the layer.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyLayerID
Get or set the ID of the layer.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyLayoutHeight
layout range (character string range) Get or set the height.
Public propertyLayoutWidth
Layout range (character string range) Get or set the width.
Public propertyLineSpacing
Get or set line spacing.
Public propertyNumber
Acquires the figure number.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyOutline
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the character is hollowed out.
Public propertyOverline
Gets or sets a value indicating whether an upper line is attached to the character.
Public propertyPoint
Get or set the coordinates of the placement point.
Public propertyRecordID
Get the record ID.
(Inherited from Shape.)
Public propertyShowBackground
Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to display the background color of the text.
Public propertySlant
Gets or sets the slope of the character.
Public propertySpacing
Get or set character spacing.
Public propertyStrikeout
Gets or sets a value indicating whether a strikethrough is attached to the character.
Public propertyText
Get or set a string.
Public propertyUnderline
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the character is underlined.
Public propertyVerticalReverse
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the character is turned upside down.
Public propertyWidthScale
Get or set the character width ratio.
Public propertyWordWrap
Gets or sets a value indicating Whether to prevent automatic line breaks in the middle of an English word.
See Also